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ReversingLabs & Menlo Security present

Instantly Scan Attachments for Malware & Enrich and Store Forensic File Data for Rapid Threat Detection

Analyze All Email Attachments for Malware with ReversingLabs Scale and Speed

Keeping up with the sheer volume of email attachments is a challenge for organizations who have to make fast, accurate decisions on whether to allow files onto the network. Isolation is effective in protecting email recipients from threats, but some files may need to be downloaded directly to the users system in order to preserve document functions. 

ReversingLabs and Menlo have created a solution to have Menlo Email Isolation submit email attachments to TitaniumScale to automatically process them and extract rich metadata and threat indicators to develop local threat intelligence and find threats that organizations can’t see today.

Analysis results can also automatically be sent back to Menlo Email Isolation in real-time to provide the latest file data to determine whether to block, isolate or forward decisions for attachments. By adding ReversingLabs enriched, up-to-date malware analysis results, security teams know instantly what files are good and instantly and reliably focus efforts on the small percentage of known malicious or suspicious attachments. 

 To learn more download our partner solution brief.

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